Sunday, March 18, 2012

Priority Mail Zine #2

A zine of art on Priority Mail labels.
2 color spray painted cover on white linen stock (each cover is slightly varied and unique).
Back cover features an official priority small label from 2000.
5.5 in. by 8.5 in. , 52 pages
Black and white with 4 full color pages in the center.
Featuring art from graffiti and street artists as well as non graffiti/street-artists.

Limited to 78 copies, hand numbered on a small sticker applied to the first page.
First page art by Heroes MB
Comes with some stickers.
$7 shipped
I am looking for submissions for future issues. Everybody that sends in, gets stickers back. Email me me for info.

This is the 2nd issue. See the first here:

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